Basic search - Author/Creator Browse

     To search by Author/Creator's name you have to select the Author button:

Author Search box

     Personal names

     Group names

       No difference between capital and small letters.

       Search limits are not available for this search.

       The length of the searching text must be at least 2 characters.

       You can search by all known types of spelling of the author/creator's name, including aliases.

The result is a list with all founded names of searhed author/creator. The list is sorted by family name alphabetically. You can see the number of titles related to the autor/creator searched by.

Example: You are searching by Chris. The results are as following:

Records from 1 to 0
Author(s) Count

Christiano, Marilyn Rice     1 

Christianson, Stephen G.     1 


To see the list of all titles found you have to click on Author's name.